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Ethics Policy
Plagiarism and Copyright 

Students of Jefferson High School are subject to an Ethics Policy that concerns itself with Plagiarism and Copyright violations.


Plagiarism-to take some one's work from an existing source and presenting it as your own work. This includes the use of Cliff Notes, Monarch notes, or any other professional work. Also includes sources available through the Internet. Plagiarism in most cases is a copyright infringement.

Copyright violation - copying, either from printed materials or electronic materials items that do not belong to you beyond the fair use rights.

Fair use rights - must meet these 4 factors:

1. How the copy is to be used

2. Nature of the work to be copied

3. Effect financially on the copyright holder

4. Quantity of use

All tests, quizzes, reports and assignments are subject to this policy.

1st offense

  1. Automatic failure on the test or assignment

  2. Parent/teacher communication regarding this offense

  3. Written notice in student discipline file

  4. Student receives unsatisfactory citizenship for the semester the infraction occurred.

  5. Student is placed on probation in that class for remainder of semester.

2nd offense (in same class while on probation)

  1. Student receives an "F" in class

  2. Student is removed from class and placed in a study hall for the remainder of semester.

  3. Parent/teacher conference with High School administration representative present.

  4. Student removed from all elected or appointed leadership roles within the High School.

  5. Student removed from all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year.

Students who violate the Plagiarism and Copyright Honor Code may request a review from the Ethics Policy Committee that consists of 2 teachers and a High School Administrator within 2 weeks of the infraction.

Jefferson High School has high expectations for all students attending. We promote academic integrity within the faculty, staff and student body. We foster an atmosphere of trust within the classroom. We encourage student responsibility for their actions. We challenge academic dishonesty and seek fair and equitable solutions between the student and the teacher.

This policy is adapted from the following sources:

bulletEl Toro High School Policies and Procedures-Ethics/Cheating Policies



Foss, K., & Lathrop, A. (2000) Student Cheating and Plagiarism in the Internet Era.   Englewood, CO. Libraries Unlimited, Inc.

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